International Conference on Sexuality Studies

    • Politics of sexual and gender diversity
    • The Nationalization of Gender Equality
    • The National Politics of Sexual Freedom
    • The Urban Geographies and Class Politics of Sexual Democracy
    • The Sexual Politics of Immigration Policies
    • European Sexual Modernization and Its Discontents
    • Self, Selves, Sexuality and Space
    • Urban or rural experience of sexuality
    • The city as a theatre of sexuality
    • Architectural representations of sexuality
    • Private versus public space
    • Self, Selves, Sexuality and the Personal
    • The languages of sexuality
    • Sexuality and citizenship
    • Intimacy, imagination and the self
    • The politics of sexuality
    • Self, Selves, Sexuality and Culture
    • Cultural representations of sexuality
    • Sexualising the body
    • Lifecycle and sexuality
    • Expressing sexuality through the arts
    • Self, Selves, Sexuality and Society
    • Institutionalising sexuality
    • Sexual health
    • Consuming sexuality
    • The business of sexuality
    • Contested Innocence – Sexual Agency in Public and Private Space
    • Dis/organized Pleasures
    • Sexual Rights and Moral Panics
    • Sex and Secrecy
    • Belief Systems and the Place of Desire
    • Sexual Diversity and Human Rights
    • Beyond Boundaries: Sexuality across Cultures

Conference Date

30th - 31st October 2024

Submission Date

Early Bird Fee: 30th Sep 2024

Last Date for Paper Submission:15th October,2024

Last Date for Registration:15th October,2024
