Inflammatory bowel disease includes crohn
Diverticular disease of the colon diverticulitis
Gastroesophageal reflux disease and barrett
Alcoholic liver disease and fatty liver disease
Hepatocellular carcinoma
Advanced diagnostic imaging in upper and lower gastrointestinal endoscopy
Capsule enteroscopy / colonoscopy
Advanced imaging and therapy in inflammatory bowel disease
Enteroscopy - Balloon and spiral assisted
Endocytoscopy, confocal endoscopy
Mucosal resection and submucosal dissection
Latest technologies of hemostasis and of bleeding ulcers and varices
Dilation of gastrointestinal strictures and stenting
Zenker's diverticulotomy
Peroral endoscopic myotomy for achalasia
Endoluminal transoral surgery for morbid obesity and GERD
Therapeutic ERCP
Duodenal resurfacing for the treatment of diabetes
Extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy
Therapeutic EUS - Transmural anastomoses - Pseudocysts drainage and necrosectomy
Treatment of surgical complications stenoses, fistulae, leak
Barrett's ablation
Percutaneous gastrostomy and jejunostomy
Transjugular liver biopsies
Percutaneous transhepatic cholangiographies
Duodenal mucosal resurfacing for type 2 diabetes
Early Bird Fee: 21st May 2025
Last Date for Paper Submission:26th May,2025
Last Date for Registration:5th June,2025