International Conference on Artificial General Intelligence

  • Artificial general intelligence
    Cognitive science and philosophy of mind
    Artificial intelligence
    Automated reasoning
    Cognitive science
    Computational chemistry
    Computational neuroscience
    Computational physics
    Numerical algorithms
    Symbolic mathematics
    Operating systems
    Multi-agent systems
    Real time control
    Natural networks and applications
    Natural neural systems
    Neural genetic systems
    Neural-fuzzy systems
    Communication networks and protocols
    Computer graphics
    Image processing
    Fuzzy systems
    Image understanding
    Pattern recognition
    Distributed and parallel computing
    Cloud computing
    Cluster computing
    Distributed computing
    Grid computing
    Parallel computing
    Human-computer interaction
    Hardware implementation
    Evolvable hardware
    Machine learning
    Software engineering
    Project management
    Requirement analysis
    Software standards and design

Conference Date

2nd - 3rd April 2025

Submission Date

Early Bird Fee: 3rd Mar 2025

Last Date for Paper Submission:18th March,2025

Last Date for Registration:26th March,2025
