International Conference on Sociology of Health and Illness

  • Methodology
    International perspective to sociology of health and illness
    Africa, Asia, Australia, Europe, North America and South america
    Inequality and ideology
    Inequality and social class
    Patterns of inequality
    Gender inequality
    Racial and ethnic inequality
    Age inequality
    Inequalities in health
    Modern sociology of law
    Law and Society
    Sociological jurisprudence
    Devising a sociological concept of law
    Prominent theories of social change
    Current social changes
    Global demographic shifts
    Sociology of race and ethnic relations
    Social psychology

Conference Date

3rd - 4th April 2025

Submission Date

Early Bird Fee: 4th Mar 2025

Last Date for Paper Submission:19th March,2025

Last Date for Registration:27th March,2025
