Forensic medicine
Forensic pathology
Forensic science
Forensic toxicology
Forensic odontology
Forensic anthropology
Forensic psychiatry
Forensic genetics
Death and care in custody
Training, forensic nursing
Occupational health of police, fitness to interview
Death investigation and causes of death
Forensic medicine national systems
Human identification
Entomology and palynology
Mental health
Criminology, profiling
Child abuse and neglect
Interpersonal violence, assault and injury, personal injury, elder abuse, domestic violence
Sexual assault
Suicide, parasuicide and deliberate self-harm
Restraint injuries
Drug and alcohol misuse
Drink and drug driving
Traffic medicine, transportation medicine, refugee and asylum medicine
Medical law, medical ethics
Euthanasia and end of life issues
Clinical negligence
Professional regulation
Patients ‘complaints procedures
Medical disciplinary procedures
The coronial system
Clinical governance
Clinical risk management
Clinical performance review procedures
Criminal charges arising from clinical practice such as murder, manslaughter and indecent assault
The sick doctor
The validation, licensing and certification of doctors
Mass disaster, war graves
Extra-judicial deaths
Human rights.
Early Bird Fee: 29th May 2025
Last Date for Paper Submission:3rd June,2025
Last Date for Registration:13th June,2025