International Conference on Logics in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

  • Abductive and inductive reasoning
    Answer set programming
    Applications of logic-based AI systems
    Argumentation systems
    Automated reasoning including satisfiability checking and its extensions
    Computational complexity and expressiveness
    Deontic logic and normative systems
    Description logics and other logical approaches to semantic web and ontologies
    Knowledge representation, reasoning, and compilation
    Logic-based data access and integration
    Logic programming and constraint programming
    Logics for uncertain and probabilistic reasoning
    Logics in machine learning
    Logics in multi-agent systems, games, and social choice
    Non-classical logics, such as modal, temporal, epistemic, dynamic, spatial, paraconsistent, and hybrid logics
    Planning and diagnosis based on logic Preferences
    Reasoning about actions and causality

Conference Date

4th - 5th June 2025

Submission Date

Early Bird Fee: 5th May 2025

Last Date for Paper Submission:10th May,2025

Last Date for Registration:20th May,2025
