Call For Paper

Conference Call For Paper

  • Remote surgery
  • Telesurgery
  • Telerobotic surgery
  • Remote telesurgery
  • Remote manipulation
  • Surgical systems
  • Telepresence surgery
  • Robotic technology in surgery
  • General surgery procedures
  • Robot-assisted surgery
  • The teleoperator era
  • Miniaturization
  • Automation
  • Costs
  • The Lindbergh operation
  • Technology
  • Applications
  • Unassisted robotic surgery
  • Force-feedback and time delay
  • Depth perception
  • Possible uses
  • Advances and trends
  • Advantages of telerobotic surgical systems
  • Disadvantages of telerobotic surgical systems
  • Current applications of robotics in general surgery
  • Limitations
  • Future directions
  • Tremor filtration affordable, ubiquitous
  • Stereoscopic visualization some haptic feedback
  • Seven degrees of freedom well-developed, established technology
  • Improved dexterity
  • Elimination of fulcrum effect
  • Motion scaling
  • Ergonomic positioning
  • Tele-surgery
  • Improved hand-eye coordination

Phone Number

+91 9344535394